Over-thinking (Htet Zaw Htoo)

Thinking while speaking and Listenting to others is necessary

unreasonable Extensive thinking leads to aggression

" Stop thinking and solve your problems"

This quote was coined by a Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu. Thinking is essential in our life. We must do thinking before, during and after what we do. However, we needn't go on thinking of something unnecessary or unreasonable because unreasonable extensive thinking might lead to aggression or conflict between each other. I always remember a story shared by Dr.Thein Lwin when he came giving a talk to us. In that story, an abbot was standing at a peak of a mountain facing the Sun. When his pupils saw him, they argued with each other. One of them said that his master was meditating staring at the Sun. The another one said that he was doing Sathipattana Meditation. The last one argued with both of the formers and said that his master was praying for peaceful world with love. In order to know the truth, they decided to go to his master and ask him what he was doing. When they arrived in front of his master, they asked him what he was doing. His master simply replied that he was standing. The story gave a lot of knowledge to us. Sometimes we are off in the track of thinking because we do extensive thinking unnecessarily. As a teacher, we must think of students' words but needn't think following every word of each. I mean we shouldn't be very sensitive to each of their words. We must try to understand our students and their words as far as we can but if need be, we must ignore some of their words. If not, it is difficult to death to get the good relationship between teacher and students. That is why, don't be very sensitive and don't think extensively if not necessary because unreasonable extensive thinking might lead to aggression.  
